Account Application



    Purchasing Information:

    Accounts Payable:

    Minimum Wholesale Order $500. GST # and store front required.
    Orders require 10 days for processing plus shipping. Ship in Canada only.

    PERSONAL LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY: The Indemnitor agrees to pay all sums owing at any time by the Customer to Four The Birds Inc. and to indemnify and save Four The Birds Inc. harmless from any loss, costs, or damages arising from the non-payment of any sum receivable from the Customer. The obligations of the Indemnitor shall not be released, discharged, mitigated, or impaired by any dealings between Four The Birds Inc. and the Customer, including, without limitation, any extensions of time granted to the Customer of the partial or full release of the Customer. The obligations of the Indemnitor shall be binding until all sums due and owing by the Customer to Four The Birds Inc. have been paid in full. In the event of the Customer's default in payment, the Indemnitor waives any right to require Four The Birds Inc. to proceed against the Customer. Four The Birds Inc. may obtain whatever credit information deemed necessary concerning the Indemnitor at any time without prior notice.